# Getting started


This guide is temporary. Before @aocjs/cli (opens new window) v1 is released, an automatic method will be availible making easier first steps.

# Instalation

To get started you need to install @aocjs/cli.

npm i @aocjs/cli

# Configuration

Before start running your code, you need to specify your session cookie by creating a config file named .aocrc. After that, copy your cookie from adventofcode.com. If you don't know how, follow this steps.

  "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aocjs/cli/main/schema/schema.json",
  "session": "YOUR PRIVATE KEY"

# TypeScript

If you want to use TypeScript to solve your problems, you must specify it in your config file by setting a compiler.

  "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aocjs/cli/main/schema/schema.json",
  "session": "YOUR PRIVATE KEY",
  "compiler": "ts"

You will need ts-node too.

npm i ts-node

# 🚀 Start up

Now you can start your first day by running the following command. This will create and run day1.js or day1.ts, including required file structure.

npx aoc start day1

You can simplify your run command, by adding the next script to your package.json.

"scripts": {
  "start": "npx aoc start"

If you do so, you could run day1 as follows.

npm start day1