# Introduction

Starting with Advent of Code (opens new window) problems could be really tedious. That's why helpful tools come up trying to standarize file structure and remove copying text files step.

With this goals has borned @aocjs/cli (opens new window) for JavaScript and TypeScript. You could check all it's features below.

To group all AoC releated repos aocjs has been created.


npm (scoped)

The main codebase under the hood it's @aocjs/cli (opens new window). This package does all the magic about fetching data and executing daily problems.

# Features

Solving problems with @aocjs/cli solves lots of programmers problems, as you can see below.

# Roadmap

First of all, @aocjs/cli needs to be completed and tested to be on v1.0.0.

Once this is done, some features are still to be done.

  • Data save
  • Performance stats
  • Autogenerated templates