# Config

You can set up some settings creating .aocrc or .aocrc.json file.

# $schema

  • Value: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aocjs/cli/main/schema/schema.json

By setting this value into config file, your IDE could autocomplete and show help for each option.

# year

  • Type: integer
  • Default: Year on last 1st December
  • Minimum: 2015

Defines which year are you currently solving.

# compiler

  • Type: string
  • Default: "js"
  • Options: "js"|"ts"

Let's you choose between JavaScript or TypeScript for solving your problems. This will change the template generated on new days, but created ones will keep working despite this option.

# session

  • Type: string

This cookie is given to you by loggin in into adventofcode.com. When specified, if it is correct, data will be fetched if you don't have input data saved locally.